I’m sorry that it’s been over nine months since I posted here. I’ve been busy building in that time—some projects, but mostly a new life after the end of an eighteen year relationship.
The latter project is not the type I’m used to or enjoy, and it’s distracted me greatly from the former. After moving, it was almost four months before I got my shop set up again and could even think about working there, and I still have trouble finding parts I know I have somewhere around.
In that downtime, a flock of doubts swept in, and they’ve been heckling the creative parts of my mind from their perches in the rafters.
I’ve wrestled with questions about the tradeoff between fun, non-marketable one-offs vs ideas that can be put into production and monetized (ugh, that sounds so dirty), about making for the pure joy of making vs making in order to get even a slight return on investment. These tools need to earn their keep! Maybe it’s out there somewhere—the intersection of what interests and excites me and what people will pay for—but I haven’t found it yet.
Even more so, I’ve been trying to get over the idea of projects not being good enough. There are two parts to this. First, I’m a perfectionist, and it’s hard for me to share my failures or even my not-exactly-as-I-intendeds. Not just with you, but even with my closest friends. Second are the doubts about whether a project is worthy of sharing, even if executed exactly as I intended. When the bar is set by Tetris-playing pumpkins and giant spirographs, is a simple vase or lamp something anyone wants to read about?
How have any of you conquered a case of maker’s block? I’d love to hear what worked for you and what didn’t.
My plan to get over this slump and back into creative making and sharing shape is that I’ve set a goal in 2016 to write at least one post a month here. It might be a project, it might be an essay exploring some of the above ideas in more depth, or it might be a review. Who knows.
I do know, though, that I have some exciting ideas, and I can’t wait to get to them.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. I’ve been checking back regularly to this website for what I didn’t realise was over nine months, so it’s good that you’re back and I look forward to reading about your new projects.
good you are back!
I can relate to your maker block – after a big move and job change, I’ve not made anything in almost a year. While I don’t have any tips for you, maybe the fact your projects and blog are inspiring others will help you keep going?