
The Inadvertent Shipping Test

For a while I’ve wondered what kind of shape the neckwarmers were in when they arrived at their destination. Were they crumpled, wrinked, was the packaging torn?  In the back of my mind I had an idea to ship one boxed to family on the east coast then ask them to mail it back in the standard shipping bag, but I never got around to it.

But I found out today in a big way when a Christmas package meant for Australia was returned for having an insufficient address. That’s about as far as anything could be sent, and then doubled for the return trip. It was shipped on the tenth of December, and marked “Return to Sender” on January 5. I’m not sure when it arrived down under or how long it was kept, but it only got back to me here today. That’s over three months on the road — a far more rigorous test than I could have devised!

It’s pretty smooshed up. Good thing there’s only fabric inside.

The internal wrap of tissue paper.
The neckwarmer just as it was pulled from the package.
Smoothed out by hand and good as new!


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